Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release

The faces of Urkesh

Giorgio Buccellati – December 2008

Often, the face of a person you meet for the first time leaves a lasting impression. And sometimes you feel eye contact is enough to let you in and sense more vividly the depths of your new encounter.

In this section I would like to invite you to thus meet Urkesh – the site, the landscape, the best of the objects. It is an impressionistic approach, as if a foray into an unknown territory, when you walk around a city and take in, through the scenery, what you perceive to be the genius of the people who have contributed in the past, and are contributing now, to that particular, unique built environment.

We, the archaeologists, are the modern inhabitants of Urkesh, in the very special sense that we not only walk their spaces – but also try, beyond that, to recapture the perception the ancients had of themselves.

As a first time guest, you can now borrow our perception, our vision as I present it here. Until you come in person to the site – to discover your own vision, your own perception.

First a gallery that offers a selection of single views, caleidoscopically.

A selection of video clips brings out especially aspects of the landscape and of the extreme variations in climate that characterize the site and its immediate hinterland.

Then a series of Folios as I call the folders of special plates written in a personal vein at the end of each season for our special supporters.

Finally, we invite you to visit the Urkesh gallery hosted by Kenneth L. Garrett, who offers a wonderful distillate of his impressions of our excavations.

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